Aviso de Privacidad


The protection of your personal data is very important, which is why this PRIVACY NOTICE, prepared to comply with the FEDERAL LAW ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS, is intended to inform you of the type of personal data we collect from you. , how we use, manage and take advantage of them and with whom we share them.

What personal information do we collect from you?

As a client of any of our services, we may request personal information, which varies from case to case, relating to: your name, address, date of birth; place of birth; marital status; occupation; CURP and RFC; Your email and phone number; your patrimonial data such as bank accounts, credits, assets, liabilities, among others; official receipts that prove your identity and the information that you declare.

This data that collects and uses your personal data for the fulfillment of the following purposes: confirm your identity; understand and attend to your needs; comply with the legal requirements that apply to you and verify the information you provide us.

For the collection of personal data, we follow all the principles established by the Law such as legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

Personal data will be collected directly from the owner personally or through other optical, sound, visual means, or by any other legally permitted technology, on our website or online services, among others.

With whom do we share your information and for what purposes?

Your personal data will be processed by the staff of SIP FILMS, in order to provide the services you request, which may only be transferred to persons outside Diyicat Media, such as lawyers, notaries or brokers. Public, for the formalization of documents that require it, as well as for the fulfillment of legal obligations before the authorities that request it.

In the printed representation of this Privacy Notice, if you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it. Otherwise, you will have to check the box of choice that No you want your personal data to be transferred in the terms described in this document.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

You can limit the use and disclosure of your personal information: (i) submitting your request in person at our address addressed to Roberto Isaias Flores Cuevas, person in charge of privacy in this office; (ii) sending email to the following email address: hola@diyicat.media . It is important to mention that the use or disclosure of your personal information cannot be limited when it is necessary to comply with legal obligations or requests from competent authorities.

How to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the processing of your personal data?

The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition or the revocation of consent for the use of your personal data, may be made by submitting a written request at our address addressed to the person or privacy department, or via email a hola@diyicat.media

How to know the changes to this privacy notice?

This privacy notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates, for which we undertake to keep you informed of such a situation through our website sopitas.com or by means of notification to your email.

It's a pleasure to serve you